Wednesday 27 June 2012

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A screeching halt, enthusiasm poured cold water on the heart, although unhappy, but his mouth still kept saying A few days, thinking there is no ability to contract, the Xue Kunrong had submitted a written report to the company, quit the competition in contracting the Golden Dragon Restaurant. Heart grew more and more angry, give birth to an old friend Andy Cousin a trace of resentment.
Cousin Andy desire contracting dragon, also through the tone and to Ruangui Hong, Ruan Guihong naturally more on the dragon, a number of concerns. Later Andy cousin said not to engage in, but he sometimes inquire about the company's competitive because his two buddies and chief old friend at the Golden Dragon, oakley, a Jiao ball, A ball of big brother is the Lakeside Restaurant kitchen Minister Lai observant, also this time the dragon contracted strong bidders. Ruangui Hong He certainly hope that the chiefs of the old friends all wishes come true, the successful bidders. subconscious, oakley and Fang Qing relations, Lai observant contracting oakley also be beneficial.
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This day is the day of food service companies to bid for the original count this dragon contracting non-Lai clear water is none other than Ruangui Hong early as about the oakley A ball to eat supper to celebrate, he started to eight, only call it a day and return to Europe Lane in no hurry to go home, advanced home oakley unexpectedly oakley told him that the dragon is the contracting party is clear and not rely on clear water, which at the big Ruangui Hong accident, repeatedly asked, oakley said, This is a matter for the company's decision, again depends on the clear water no clear side and hard background, and this is no way to do.
To bid pending the outcome of heart oakley very contradictory, he and A ball, Fang Qing relations are excellent, the palm of the hand back of the hand are the meat, but but the other side Ruangui Hong Qing back from the dead, which he embarrassed, and now the company has done decision, he was relieved, they realized that his heart still inclined to side clear.
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Xu Bing A ball big brother Lai observant, an old friend and his best buddies, A ball Shuide Lai. His original Beverage company's workers, because the multi-pig earners for their livelihood, they picked up an old industry, Beijiang River embankment edge of the old city opened

Sunday 24 June 2012

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Like the shadow and the ghost killer, and finally hung up!
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So while shooting, he called out: This sentence, of course, is called to listen to the Shaw dream of mine.
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Wednesday 20 June 2012

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Yao chubby listened to his words, put on a silly smile, repeatedly promised another day will help him referrals, but my mind was thinking: that time that guy fool you sell, you will understand what is: residual ... cool ...... ...... ...... Health ......
However, recently in Bula Ge on the market mixed a few days, he really is interested in business opportunities here to where trading is indeed booming, but just poor survival and investment environment of the local, of course, only relative to the labor Avenue on the 26th a place other than the floor.
Sun sunspots of this building to be a wholesale shopping mall selling all Chinese goods, a total of 136 pavement, in addition to his own left over 20, are rented out. Yao chubby inquire, where each rent than the outside at least twice as expensive as turning, but no one wants to leave with great difficulty met to close the stall to return, would like to tie came not know how many, twenty to the square of the room, the transfer fee of up to four hundred thousand RMB.
The reason for this is safety, the landlord of a gangster, as well as bits police officials when the assistant manager, and basically no one would dare to make trouble.
Yao chubby playing wishful thinking, if the the Hongfu supermarket mode of operation is able to

Monday 18 June 2012

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Saturday 16 June 2012

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Surgeon twice, then nodded his head slowly from the sleeves come up with a relatively large test tube.
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Monday 11 June 2012

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Tuesday 5 June 2012

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So threw over two months, Su Jing snow has been re going to school carrying a bag, Juichiro did not give him the phone, as for Ai Arts, Wu Min there some days, Wu Min gave the him a job, just being men dug from Laichang Yi Lai Changyi not say what the past two months has not been signed by the record company to Changsha concert, his voice has spread to the streets but still no one came to him to talk about the contract.
Days Lai Changyi whim, ready once again to upload new songs, however, point to open the TOP site but found his songs have been dismissed from the standings, even the search can not search, then changed several Web sites, found that the basic all has been abolished, in addition to Baidu also search to basic search not.
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So, I would like to ask the TOP Why shut off my songs?

Friday 1 June 2012

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words to say. period pain lie in his feet is a soft, almost did not get on the ground, steal, see Lin Feng's look quickly in front of the way.
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Quick paperwork, Lin Feng again riding that bike limousine Suddenly, he remembered what, said: Tiger tert wry smile, shook his head and said: Lin Feng calm nodded his head, did not ask anymore, he can not force others to do, Moreover, he does not know the words of the tiger tert sort of really sort of false.
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